Books N Movies Rants

Started as a blog of a father trying to create the perfect list of books and movies that his son should read and watch. Now it is that and some general rants. Scroll down for the lists. If you have a list of 10 books and 10 movies please send it to me.

September 21, 2005

Updated Book & Movies Lists

I have received some more lists and so updated the master lists

Current Book List

  1. Lord of the Rings Trilogy - 5 votes
  2. Moby Dick - Melville - 5 votes
  3. Ulysses - James Joyce - 3 votes
  4. 100 years of solitude - Garcia Marquez - 2 votes
  5. A Tale of Two Cities - Charles Dickens - 2 Votes
  6. Animal Farm - Orwell - 2 Votes
  7. Any book - Kurt Vonnegut - 2 votes
  8. Catch 22 - Joseph Heller - 2 votes
  9. Dune - 2 votes
  10. Geek Love - 2 votes
  11. Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy - 2 Votes
  12. Illuminatus! - Robert Anton Wilson & Robert Shae - 2 votes - First book to receive multiple votes & first book put on the list
  13. Junkie - William S. Burroughs - 2 Votes
  14. Odyssey - 2 votes
  15. Silence of the Lambs- 2 Votes
  16. The Stand - S. King - 2 Votes
  17. The Stranger - Albert Camus - 2 votes
  18. The World According to Garp - 2 Votes
  19. Waiting For Godot - Samuel Beckett - 2 votes
  20. Watchmen - 2 votes
  21. Wuthering Heights - 2 votes
  22. 1984
  23. A Brief History of Time - Stephen Hawking
  24. A good biography on Abraham Lincoln
  25. Alone---Byrd
  26. American Psycho - Bret Easton Ellis
  27. An American Tragedy - Theodore Dreiser
  28. An Essay Concerning Human Understanding - John Locke
  29. Anna Karenina - Tolstoy
  30. Anything by Kipling
  31. Anything by Cussler
  32. As Told at the Explorers Club
  33. Athletic Shorts - Chris Crutcher or anything else by him
  34. Battle Cry Freedom
  35. Belladonna - Karen Moline
  36. Beowulf
  37. Brave New World - Aldous Huxley
  38. Borstal Boy
  39. Catcher and the Rye - Salinger
  40. Civil War - Shelby Foote
  41. Cloudsplitter - Russell Banks
  42. Collected Star Man comics - James Robinson
  43. Collected Stories - Franz Kafka
  44. Collected Stories - Edgar Allan Poe
  45. Crackpot: The Obsessions of John Waters - John Waters
  46. Crime and Punishment - Fydor Dostoyevsky
  47. Don't smoke grass on my father's lawn (son of Charlie Chaplin),
  48. Einstein's Dreams - Alan Lightman
  49. Enders Game - Orson Scott Card
  50. Fahrenheir 451 - Ray Bradbury
  51. Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail 72, - Hunter Thompson
  52. Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas - Hunter Thompson
  53. Flywheel, Shyster and Flywheel - Groucho and Chico Marx
  54. Fountainhead
  55. Getting Things Done
  56. Girlfriend in a Coma - Douglas Coupland
  57. Gone with the Wind
  58. Good Earth
  59. Good Omens - Neil Gaimen and Terry Pratchet
  60. Great Gatsby
  61. Green Eggs and Ham - Dr. Seuss
  62. Gulliver's Travels
  63. It - S. King
  64. Rose Madder - S. King
  65. Portable Beat Reader - many writers (Ginsberg, Kerouac, Burroughs)
  66. Kane & Abel
  67. The Prince
  68. Still Life with Woodpecker - Robbins
  69. Lance Armstrong's first book
  70. Monkey, A Journey to the West
  71. Old Man and the Sea - Hemmingway
  72. Neuromancer - William Gibson
  73. The Wizard of Oz series - Frank L Baum
  74. The Tin Drum - Gunter Grass
  75. L.A. Confidential - James Elroy
  76. In Search of Schrödinger's Cat - John Gibbons (non fiction)
  77. The Pirate Lafayette,
  78. Siddhartha - Herman Hesse
  79. Iliad - Homer
  80. Maltese Falcon
  81. Tropic of Cancer - Henry Miller
  82. Snow Ghosts (also called The Snowstorm)
  83. The Trial - Kafka
  84. Middlemarch - George Eliot
  85. On the Road
  86. The Son Also Rises - Hemmingway
  87. Oxbow Incident
  88. Paradise Lost
  89. Three Musketeers
  90. White Noise
  91. Foucault's Pendulum
  92. Pharmakopia
  93. The Tipping Point
  94. Love in the time of Cholera
  95. Rule of the Bone - Russell Banks
  96. Jude the Obscure - Thomas Hardy
  97. Tess of the D'Urbervilles - Thomas Hardy
  98. Madam Bovary
  99. The Rites of Spring - Madras Eckstein
  100. The Proud Tower
  101. Dreadnought - Robert Massie
  102. The Great War and Modern Memory
  103. The Big Sea - Langston Hughes
  104. Winter Soldier - Robert Ketchum
  105. The Cousins' War
  106. The Third Chimpanzee - Jared Diamond
  107. In Dubious Battle - Steinbeck
  108. Les Miserables - Victor Hugo
  109. Gravity's Rainbow - Thomas Pynchon
  110. League of Extraordinary Gentlemen Vol 1
  111. Green Arrow, Archers Quest - Brad Meltzer, Phil Hester
  112. For Whom the Bell Tolls---Hemingway
  113. Tom Sawyer - Mark Tawain
  114. In the Heart of the sea---Plhilbrick
  115. The Firm---Grisham
  116. Shackleton
  117. Flyboys---Bradley
  118. Meditations on First Philosophy - Descartes
  119. The Power of Myth - Joseph Campbell
  120. Science and Human Values - Bronowski
  121. Confronting Silence - Toru Takemitsu
  122. Poetics of Music - Igor Stravinsky
  123. The Dilbert Principle or The Way of the Weasel - Scott Adams
  124. The Abs Diet - David Zinczenko
  125. The Illuminati Papers - Robert Anton Wilson
  126. The Big Book of Conspiracies - Robert Anton Wilson
  127. Dark Knight Returns - Frank Miller
  128. DareDevil - Frank Miller
  129. Tomb of Dracula - Marv Wolfman
  130. Swamp Thing - Alan Moore
  131. The Collected Calvin & Hobbes
  132. I know why the Caged Bird Sings - Maya Angelou
  133. How The Dead Live - Will Self
  134. The Hear is Deceitful Above All things - JT Leroy
  135. The Godfather - Mario Puzo
  136. Of Mice & Men - John Steinbeck
  137. Memoirs of a Geisha - Arthur Golden
  138. Walden - Thoreau
  139. Warriors of God
  140. Winnie the Pooh
  141. Where the Wild Things Are - Maurice Sendak
  142. Zen and art of Motorcycle Maintenance

Here is the current movies list:

  1. Star Wars: Episode 4 A New Hope - First movie put on the list - 4 votes
  2. Lord Of the Rings Trilogy - 4 votes
  3. Casablanca - 3 votes
  4. A Wonderful Life - 2 Votes
  5. Blade Runner - 2 Votes
  6. Clerks - 2 Votes
  7. Star Wars 5 - Empire Strikes Back - 2 votes
  8. Exorcist - 2 Votes
  9. Ghost Dog 2 - votes
  10. Gone With the Wind - 2 votes
  11. Jaws - 2 votes
  12. Manchurian Candidate (original) - 2 votes
  13. One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest - 2 Votes
  14. Rashomon - 2 votes
  15. The 10 Commandments - Original with Charlton Heston - 2 votes
  16. The Godfather - 2 votes
  17. The Sound of Music - 2 votes
  18. Wizard of Oz - 2 Votes
  19. Abbot & Costello meet Frankenstein
  20. Animal House
  21. Aliens
  22. Apocalypse Now
  23. Barbarella
  24. Battle of the Bulge - Henry Fonda
  25. BeastMaster
  26. Bells of St. Mary's
  27. Bowling for Columbine
  28. Brain Candy
  29. Brazil
  30. Bridge of the River Kwai
  31. Bridges of Madison county
  32. Children of Paradise
  33. Citizen Kane
  34. Clash of the Titans
  35. Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon
  36. Die Hard
  37. Dogma
  38. Dracula (Original with Bella Ligousi)
  39. Dune
  40. Fight Club
  41. For a Few Dollars More
  42. Forest Gump
  43. Goodfellas
  44. Hello Dolly
  45. Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back
  46. Kung Fu - David Carradine, Made for TV
  47. Manchurian Candidate (remake)
  48. Modern Times
  49. Moulin Rouge
  50. Nightmare Before Christmas
  51. North By Northwest
  52. Office Space
  53. Out of Africa
  54. Princes Bride
  55. Project A - Jackie Chan
  56. Psycho
  57. Re-animator
  58. Rear Window
  59. Robin Hood with Errol Flynn
  60. Royal Tenenbaums
  61. Schindler's List
  62. Silence of the Lambs
  63. Seven Samurai
  64. Singing in the Rain
  65. Star Wars 6 - Return of the Jedi
  66. The Big Lebowski
  67. The Cocoanuts with The Marx Brothers
  68. The Cook The Thief His Wife & Her Lover
  69. The Godfather 2
  70. The Greatest Story Ever Told
  71. The Incredibles
  72. The Passion of the Christ
  73. The Quiet Man
  74. The Seventh Seal
  75. The Shining
  76. The Thin Man
  77. The Thing (original)
  78. The way we were
  79. The Wolf Man
  80. The Zero Effect
  81. Texas Chainsaw Massacarre - (original)
  82. They were expendable
  83. West Side Story
  84. Young Frankenstein
  85. Zatoichi


At 12:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

First thing Wednesday, 9/21
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